【同义词辨析】 2017-07-07 博学learned-erudite

learned: implies academic knowledge gained by long study and research and is applicable to persons, their associations, OR their writings and professional publications: members of a ~ society.  (Academy希腊地名,柏拉图曾在此创建哲学学院,现在表示学院学会等专业学习学术机构,形容词academic表示和学习学术相关,如academic scores学习成绩,本例academic knowledge学术知识,这个词有时暗示专注抽象知识,缺乏实际经验abstractness and lack of practical experience,如the economist's concerns seemed more academic than practical这位经济学家似乎更关注学术而非现实方面 )  studyresearch都表示研究,即认真细致地分析评判,区别是study还有学习to learn的意思,research还有探索发现to explore and discover的意思,汉语为了强调学习也经常说成"学习研究")

scholarly: implies learning and applies particularly to persons who has attained mastery of a field of knowledge or to their utterances, ideas, or writings: a ~ study of the causes of war.   (master掌握、大师;mastery精深精湛;masterpiece杰作)  对战争起因进行了精深的学术研究

erudite: sometimes interchangeable with learned and scholarly, can imply a love of learning for its own sake, a taste for out-of-the-way knowledge, or even mere pedanticism: a mind filled with ~ and arcane lore.   pedantic学究气的,过度关注知识细节,如his lecture was so pedantic and uninteresting他的讲座学究气太浓,没意思)

learned学识的学术的: 指懂学术知识,进行过长时间的学习研究,既可指人也可指作品,scholarly学者的学术的: 形容精通某领域知识的人或其作品,erudite渊博好学: 可替代前两词表示知识渊博,还表示对知识的喜爱


         2)博学的意思是指有渊博的知识mean possessing or manifesting unusually wide and deep knowledge.